About Tamara

I am a wife and a mom, a sister, friend, and daughter.  I am a novice gardener, a loving cook, a perpetual student, an eager bookworm and an avid photographer.  I am also a minister.  Well almost.

SavedPicture-2013928195634.jpgThe church jargon is: approved for ordination, pending call.

After eight years of seminary, and three years of CPE, internships, externships, and youth ministry gigs, I sit, perched on the brink of ordained ministry, ready to dive into full-time, full hearted ministry.

I am on the path to ordination in the United Church of Christ, currently seeking a call to parish ministry.  I have served as a minister in several churches in the greater Seattle Area, and I am currently working with my home congregation, University Congregational UCC, to revamp revitalize and reimagine Young Adult Ministry.

I have recently returned to graduate school (once again) to pursue a post-master’s certificate in pastoral counseling.  I love running and cycling, reading and writing, cooking and eating, swing dancing and vienna waltzing.  My husband and I recently launched our daughters to college and are newly empty-nesters in North Bend.

My last blog (A Grown-Up Gap Year) fizzled out, but I had fun, even so.  Here we go again.  Thank God for wide margins of grace.

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